
For about 5 years I was in charge of marketing, graphics and information at a festival called Get Focused in Tønsberg. In 2015 I decided to make the profile myself. After many rounds with the people in charge, and a bit help from some experienced persons I ended up with this. There is one main festival, and a second one-day festival for those between 20 till 30.

The brief was to make a fun, young and interesting profile. Every year they use a heart as a element as I also did. For the flyer I thought it would be too easy and boring to just have a mini-poster, and to still follow the profile. A plus side of this it that its more interesting and you want to find out what it is.

I also had to take everything over to social media for both festivals, cover photo, profilepicture, and a template for things like info and announcement of guest speakers.

And finally, a festival with over 400 volunteers can't have everybody going backstage and in areas we can't have too many people. The guards told me that the light in the concert hall is dark most of the time, and in previous years they had trouble differencing between the cards. After testing a bit I found that a different background and different colours was the best combination.

For about 5 years I was in charge of marketing, graphics and information at a festival called Get Focused in Tønsberg. In 2015 I decided to make the profile myself. After many rounds with the people in charge, and a bit help from some experienced persons I ended up with this. There is one main festival, and a second one-day festival for those between 20 till 30. The brief was to make a fun, youthful and interesting profile. Every year they use a heart as a element as I also did.

I also had to take everything over to social media for both festivals, cover photo, profilepicture, and a template for things like info and announcement of guest speakers.

I also designed backstage passes. In this festival with over 400 volunteers there has to be access aeras. The guards told me that the light in the concert hall is dark most of the time, and in previous years they had trouble differencing between the cards. After testing a bit I found that a different background and different colours was the best combination.